A just society in which every child enjoys childhood assured of his/her rights with dignity and happiness
Build a social movement that will uproot all form of exploitation and oppression of children and promote and protect the basic human rights of children enabling them to enjoy a dignified childhood Effect policy changes and ensure social justice through research, documentation, campaign and networking.
Children's Nagara Sabai -was held in 10 wards on 25th and 26th January 2024. A powerful platform to amplify the voices and rights of children! 👧👦 Their voices hold the power to create change. 🙌✨
Gender equality training for youth held on 5th Jan 2025
Urban ward level child protection committee meeting was held in ward 47 on 12 December 2024. Action taken on the decision arrived at in the previous meeting was presented. Issues related to child protection was discussed and action points suggested. The meeting was facilitated by Arunodhaya.
Sports meet was held for Arunodhaya Pudhumai Ilaingar Iyakkam members on 27th October 2024. The event was organised by the Youth Parliament as a strategy to strengthen the youth forum. Cricket, Volley ball, Frisbee, running, Javeline throw and Relay race were held.
The third quarterly meeting of Ward level (ward 38) Child Protection Committee was held on 25th October 2024 chaired by the Councilar Mr. U. Ganesan. Strategies and action points to make the Ward a child friendly ward was discussed. The meeting was organised by Arunodhaya.
Arunodhaya Field Office in Korukkupet was filled with festive cheer on 5th October 2024 as it welcomed fifteen senior citizen couples from underserved areas for a special day of celebration. The event, which was part of the Daan Utsav (Joy of Giving) week, offered the couples a chance to relive happy memories, renew their marriage vows, enjoy cultural programs, receive gifts, and indulge in a delicious meal. Volunteers from Omega Health Care Services also conducted a session, sharing simple physical exercises to help the couples stay fit. The couples expressed that the event brought back fond memories of their wedding day, leaving them feeling refreshed, happy, and joyful. The programme was organised by Arunodhaya team in Korukkupet.
On August 15th when Gram sabai meetings were held in the rural areas, Children in Greater Chennai Corporation (Zone 1,4, and 5) held Children Nagara sabai meetings in 10 Wards. The child councilars in each Ward prepared the agenda and convened the meeting with the participation of the respective Ward Councilars, local leaders, teachers, police and other stakeholders in the community.
Arunodhaya team mobilised the participation of parents in SMC meeting in 19 schools in north Chennai.
Gabriela Mistral